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- #ifndef _AX25_H
- #define _AX25_H
- #ifndef _GLOBAL_H
- #include "global.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _MBUF_H
- #include "mbuf.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _IFACE_H
- #include "iface.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef _SOCKADDR_H
- #include "sockaddr.h"
- #endif
- extern char Ax25_eol[];
- /* AX.25 datagram (address) sub-layer definitions */
- #define MAXDIGIS 7 /* Maximum number of digipeaters */
- #define ALEN 6 /* Number of chars in callsign field */
- #define AXALEN 7 /* Total AX.25 address length, including SSID */
- #define AXBUF 10 /* Buffer size for maximum-length ascii call */
- #ifndef _LAPB_H
- #include "lapb.h"
- #endif
- /* Bits within SSID field of AX.25 address */
- #define SSID 0x1e /* Sub station ID */
- #define REPEATED 0x80 /* Has-been-repeated bit in repeater field */
- #define E 0x01 /* Address extension bit */
- #define C 0x80 /* Command/response designation */
- /* Our AX.25 address */
- extern char Mycall[AXALEN];
- /* List of AX.25 multicast addresses, e.g., "QST -0" in shifted ASCII */
- extern char Ax25multi[][AXALEN];
- extern int Digipeat;
- extern int Ax25mbox;
- /* Number of chars in interface field. The involved definition takes possible
- * alignment requirements into account, since ax25_addr is of an odd size.
- */
- #define ILEN (sizeof(struct sockaddr) - sizeof(short) - AXALEN)
- /* Socket address, AX.25 style */
- struct sockaddr_ax {
- short sax_family; /* 2 bytes */
- char ax25_addr[AXALEN];
- char iface[ILEN]; /* Interface name */
- };
- /* Internal representation of an AX.25 header */
- struct ax25 {
- char dest[AXALEN]; /* Destination address */
- char source[AXALEN]; /* Source address */
- char digis[MAXDIGIS][AXALEN]; /* Digi string */
- int ndigis; /* Number of digipeaters */
- int nextdigi; /* Index to next digi in chain */
- int cmdrsp; /* Command/response */
- };
- /* C-bit stuff */
- #define LAPB_UNKNOWN 0
- #define LAPB_COMMAND 1
- #define LAPB_RESPONSE 2
- /* AX.25 routing table entry */
- struct ax_route {
- struct ax_route *next; /* Linked list pointer */
- char target[AXALEN];
- char digis[MAXDIGIS][AXALEN];
- int ndigis;
- char type;
- #define AX_LOCAL 1 /* Set by local ax25 route command */
- #define AX_AUTO 2 /* Set by incoming packet */
- };
- #define NULLAXR ((struct ax_route *)0)
- extern struct ax_route *Ax_routes;
- extern struct ax_route Ax_default;
- /* AX.25 Level 3 Protocol IDs (PIDs) */
- #define PID_X25 0x01 /* CCITT X.25 PLP */
- #define PID_SEGMENT 0x08 /* Segmentation fragment */
- #define PID_TEXNET 0xc3 /* TEXNET datagram protocol */
- #define PID_LQ 0xc4 /* Link quality protocol */
- #define PID_APPLETALK 0xca /* Appletalk */
- #define PID_APPLEARP 0xcb /* Appletalk ARP */
- #define PID_IP 0xcc /* ARPA Internet Protocol */
- #define PID_ARP 0xcd /* ARPA Address Resolution Protocol */
- #define PID_NETROM 0xcf /* NET/ROM */
- #define PID_NO_L3 0xf0 /* No level 3 protocol */
- #define SEG_FIRST 0x80 /* First segment of a sequence */
- #define SEG_REM 0x7f /* Mask for # segments remaining */
- /* Link quality report packet header, internal format */
- struct lqhdr {
- int16 version; /* Version number of protocol */
- #define LINKVERS 1
- int32 ip_addr; /* Sending station's IP address */
- };
- #define LQHDR 6
- /* Link quality entry, internal format */
- struct lqentry {
- char addr[AXALEN]; /* Address of heard station */
- int32 count; /* Count of packets heard from that station */
- };
- #define LQENTRY 11
- /* Link quality database record format
- * Currently used only by AX.25 interfaces
- */
- struct lq {
- struct lq *next;
- char addr[AXALEN]; /* Hardware address of station heard */
- struct iface *iface; /* Interface address was heard on */
- int32 time; /* Time station was last heard */
- int32 currxcnt; /* Current # of packets heard from this station */
- #ifdef notdef /* Not yet implemented */
- /* # of packets heard from this station as of his last update */
- int32 lastrxcnt;
- /* # packets reported as transmitted by station as of his last update */
- int32 lasttxcnt;
- int16 hisqual; /* Fraction (0-1000) of station's packets heard
- * as of last update
- */
- int16 myqual; /* Fraction (0-1000) of our packets heard by station
- * as of last update
- */
- #endif
- };
- #define NULLLQ (struct lq *)0
- extern struct lq *Lq; /* Link quality record headers */
- /* Structure used to keep track of monitored destination addresses */
- struct ld {
- struct ld *next; /* Linked list pointers */
- char addr[AXALEN];/* Hardware address of destination overheard */
- struct iface *iface; /* Interface address was heard on */
- int32 time; /* Time station was last mentioned */
- int32 currxcnt; /* Current # of packets destined to this station */
- };
- #define NULLLD (struct ld *)0
- extern struct ld *Ld; /* Destination address record headers */
- /* Linkage to network protocols atop ax25 */
- struct axlink {
- int pid;
- void (*funct) __ARGS((struct iface *,struct ax25_cb *,char *, char *,
- struct mbuf *,int));
- };
- extern struct axlink Axlink[];
- /* Codes for the open_ax25 call */
- #define AX_PASSIVE 0
- #define AX_ACTIVE 1
- #define AX_SERVER 2 /* Passive, clone on opening */
- /* In ax25.c: */
- struct ax_route *ax_add __ARGS((char *,int,char digis[][AXALEN],int));
- int ax_drop __ARGS((char *));
- struct ax_route *ax_lookup __ARGS((char *));
- void ax_recv __ARGS((struct iface *,struct mbuf *));
- int ax_send __ARGS((struct mbuf *bp,struct iface *iface,int32 gateway,int tos));
- int ax_output __ARGS((struct iface *iface,char *dest,char *source,int16 pid,
- struct mbuf *data));
- int sendframe __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,int cmdrsp,int ctl,struct mbuf *data));
- void axnl3 __ARGS((struct iface *iface,struct ax25_cb *axp,char *src,
- char *dest,struct mbuf *bp,int mcast));
- /* In ax25cmd.c: */
- void st_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- /* In axhdr.c: */
- struct mbuf *htonax25 __ARGS((struct ax25 *hdr,struct mbuf *data));
- int ntohax25 __ARGS((struct ax25 *hdr,struct mbuf **bpp));
- /* In axlink.c: */
- void getlqentry __ARGS((struct lqentry *ep,struct mbuf **bpp));
- void getlqhdr __ARGS((struct lqhdr *hp,struct mbuf **bpp));
- void logsrc __ARGS((struct iface *iface,char *addr));
- void logdest __ARGS((struct iface *iface,char *addr));
- char *putlqentry __ARGS((char *cp,char *addr,int32 count));
- char *putlqhdr __ARGS((char *cp,int16 version,int32 ip_addr));
- struct lq *al_lookup __ARGS((struct iface *ifp,char *addr,int sort));
- /* In ax25user.c: */
- int ax25val __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- int disc_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- int kick_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- struct ax25_cb *open_ax25 __ARGS((struct iface *,char *,char *,
- int,int16,
- void (*) __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *,int)),
- void (*) __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *,int)),
- void (*) __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *,int,int)),
- int user));
- struct mbuf *recv_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,int16 cnt));
- int reset_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- int send_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,struct mbuf *bp,int pid));
- /* In ax25subr.c: */
- int addreq __ARGS((char *a,char *b));
- struct ax25_cb *cr_ax25 __ARGS((char *addr));
- void del_ax25 __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp));
- struct ax25_cb *find_ax25 __ARGS((char *));
- char *pax25 __ARGS((char *e,char *addr));
- int setcall __ARGS((char *out,char *call));
- /* In axsocket.c: */
- int so_ax_sock __ARGS((struct usock *up,int protocol));
- int so_ax_bind __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_ax_listen __ARGS((struct usock *up,int backlog));
- int so_ax_conn __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_ax_recv __ARGS((struct usock *up,struct mbuf **bpp,char *from,
- int *fromlen));
- int so_ax_send __ARGS((struct usock *up,struct mbuf *bp,char *to));
- int so_ax_qlen __ARGS((struct usock *up,int rtx));
- int so_ax_kick __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_ax_shut __ARGS((struct usock *up,int how));
- int so_ax_close __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int checkaxaddr __ARGS((char *name,int namelen));
- int so_axui_sock __ARGS((struct usock *up,int protocol));
- int so_axui_bind __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_axui_conn __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_axui_recv __ARGS((struct usock *up,struct mbuf **bpp,char *from,
- int *fromlen));
- int so_axui_send __ARGS((struct usock *up,struct mbuf *bp,char *to));
- int so_axui_qlen __ARGS((struct usock *up,int rtx));
- int so_axui_shut __ARGS((struct usock *up,int how));
- int so_axui_close __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- char *axpsocket __ARGS((struct sockaddr *p));
- char *axstate __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- int so_ax_stat __ARGS((struct usock *up));
- void beac_input __ARGS((struct iface *iface,char *src,struct mbuf *bp));
- void s_arcall __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,int cnt));
- void s_ascall __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,int old,int new));
- void s_atcall __ARGS((struct ax25_cb *axp,int cnt));
- #endif /* _AX25_H */